Self-sterilizing gates 

In response to the health situation imposed on the world, Ramdoun International Group is pleased to put forward a gate to sterilize individuals, detect body temperature, and give reports to every person who crosses the gate. By making use of modern technologies to preserve public health before entering facilities and gathering places, to contribute to preventing the spread of the epidemic.

Use the sterilization gate on your site for general and personal protection

Ramdoun International Group provided the sterilization portal because this product is necessary to sterilize individuals before they enter the facilities

The sterilization gates are available in several types and according to the customer's request, prices start from 2,500 riyals to 35,000 riyals, and all this depends on the required specifications.

You can install the gate at the best prices and the lowest specifications, with the guarantee of the sterilization mechanism, and you can install it to suit your site

As it aims to direct self-sterilization when individuals pass through it through an effective system that external sterilization with sterile materials that are transformed into a flying spray within the target area.

The gate is installed at the entrances to establishments, markets, hospitals ... etc.

The gate contains motion sensors and timers linked to the sterilization system to reduce the waste of chemicals used and to ensure that the gate works with the required efficiency by means of a misting spray device.

Sterilization gates approved by Ramdoun International Group

Technical Specifications:


1- Autoclave

2- Sterilization sprayers

3- The external structure

4- The outer shell


Installation places:


1- Hospital portals

2- Government portals

3- Market portals

4- Corporate portals

Special Features and Specifications:

1- Timer

2- Operating sensors

3- A sterilization tank

Various sizes are available for direct supply




رقم الصنف

مدخل واحد

بوابة تعقيم مفردة




بوابة تعقيم مزدوجة



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بوابة تعقيم متعددة



كما يمكن شراء جهاز الرذاذ الضبابي منفصلا عن البوابة لإستخدامه في اماكن متعدد لتحقيق الهدف المطلوب

بوابات التعقيم الذاتي ضروريه لجميع المنشآت والقطاعات فهي ذات سعر منخفض واداء مميز